Tag Archives: qigong dvd

The Science Of Stretching: 7 Tips To Maximize Your Flexibility

Shaolin Stretching

There’s a belief in the West that the only way to flexibility is through static stretching but latest research shows that the way Shaolin Monks warm up and stretch is the way to get maximum performance from your workout.

“Dynamic stretching may be the most important element of a warm up… it involves moving and waking the tissues that will be called upon during the subsequent exercise.” The First Twenty Minutes.

At the Shaolin Temple we do two types of stretching: static and dynamic. The Shaolin dynamic stretching we do is the Five Fundamental Kicks, and the Five Fundamental Stances. These movements open the hips and warm up the leg muscles. We’ve stretched and warmed up our muscles this way for thousands of years.

Want to gain the flexibility of a Shaolin Monk? Follow these simple steps below.

Shaolin Kick

 7 Steps To Maximize Your Flexibility

1. Stretch am and pm

My early morning sessions at the Shaolin Temple always began with a mountain run then we would take time to stretch our muscles before beginning our kung fu training session. Stretching in the morning is harder than in the evening but it’s one of the best ways to increase flexibility.

2.  Always stretch after your workout 

Your joints and muscles are warm, which means you can go further with your stretch. It also helps to decrease the build up of lactic acid in your muscles. Not stretching after a workout leads to stiff muscles.

3. Do the Five Fundamental Shaolin Kicks

These kicks increase flexibility to not only the legs but crucially the hips. Start off in a relaxed and loose way, kicking from the hip rather than from the leg. Stretch in between the kicks to loosen the leg and kick again. When you move into the splits you’ll be surprised how much further you can go.

 4. Do The Five Fundamental Shaolin Stances

These stances open the hips, stretch out the legs including the calf muscles, and make the whole body move as one. They are an excellent way to increase strength in the muscles while stretching them at the same time.

5. Find creative ways to include stretching in your day-to-day life

If you like to watch TV then find a way to stretch while you watch TV. On the escalator, place your left heel a little off the step and stretch out your calf muscle.

6. Alternate your stretching

Our bodies quickly adapt so alternate your stretching and consistently challenge your body.

7.  Focus on Optimal Flexibility for you

We all need to have a certain amount of flexibility but remember we are all different. It’s crucial that you never push yourself too hard and you work with your own body. If you want to get your head on your knees, don’t strain to get there or bend your legs in the process. Remember there never should be any pain when you stretch only patience.

I teach warm up, stretching, The Five Fundamental Kicks and The Five Fundamental Stances in my DVD, Shaolin Workout Volume 1

I teach warm up, stretching, and The Five Fundamental Stances in my book, Instant Health: The Shaolin Qigong Workout For Longevity

Fix Stress With Qigong

Qigong Exercise

Stress is a natural part of our life. The way we react to stress plays a major role in the health of our mind and body. Seventy-five percent of all doctor’s office visits in the USA are for stress-related ailments and complaints. If we don’t return our mind and body to its natural relaxed state then stress can lead to ill health or anxiety and depression. Stress is very easily fixed with the practice of simple Qigong movements.

Last month, a business man came to me who worked 50 hours a week. The doctor told him that if he continued to live like this, he would probably have only ten more healthy years to go, he is forty-five years old. Through training twice a week with me and working with my Qigong Workout DVD at home, he’s now got his mind and body back and the all clear from his doctor. It’s really simple to take control and fix stress.

Your 7 Step Fix Stress With Qigong Plan

1) STOP ( even just for five minutes). When we are “stressed-out”, it’s very difficult to stop but this is what we must do. It’s amazing what a five minute Qigong Timeout can do.

2) HAVE FAITH. Doubt reduces our energy. Qigong induces a meditative state. Neuroscientists have found that these ancient practices “can increase our well-being and quality of life.”

3) JUST DO IT. Find a place the size of a yoga mat and do Qigong. Start by following my video below.

4) LET GO. Whatever comes up, thoughts, plans, worries, gently let them go.

5) COMMIT TO FIVE MINUTES AM & PM. You’re stressed and you’re busy so commit to just five minutes in the morning and five minutes before you go to bed.

6) KEEP IT SIMPLE. All you have to do is follow your breath and movement. It’s that simple. Don’t complicate it with anything else.

7) CONGRATULATE YOURSELF. You’re now on the path of the Shaolin Warrior. You’re increasing your wellbeing and your sense of clarity and flow. You’re taking control of your life.

 “The Shaolin Zen Masters never underestimated our potential for peace, happiness, and enlightenment. They gave us the keys, all we need to do is put the action in.”

Click HERE to find out how my Qigong Workout helped a stressed out mum

Click HERE for more information on Instant Health: The Qigong Workout For Longevity.